Friday, July 11, 2008

Day 1 in the studio

Welcome to "Finding Miss Molly", a site where you can witness and learn about live art in the making. This is intended to be a fun, interactive site that will focus on art process, art history and travel.
I spent my first day at the studio, back in San Francisco, after a month long trip back East thankfully realizing that painting is like riding a bike. It's something you don't forget. These are studies (sketches or visual notes) of a Lake in upstate New York, can you guess which Lake it is?  

Georgia O'Keefe did a painting of Lake George that is part of the permanent collection at the San Francisco Museum of Modern art, SFMOMA.  There is presently an excellent show of Frida Kahlo's work on display  that is sensational.  I hope you have fun exploring different ideas, techniques and concepts with me while learning more about art history and real live art in the making. 


Unknown said...

Hi Miss Molly,
I love your blog! I really love your paintings of Lake George. I used to go there every summer with my family. You have done a beautiful job capturing the lake :). I am so glad you started this blog so we can all keep in touch with you on your travels!!!

--Miss Diana

Carol said...

the lake studies are so pretty and watery...makes me want to visit lake george, as i have never been. and it's great to see you in blogland!

Molly Petersen Nardone said...

Hi ladies!

Thanks so much for checking out this site. Please share it with your friends and the students too!
