Friday, July 25, 2008

recent drawings and paintings

Please post your thoughts...


Stephen Ratkovich said...

I love these kinds of abstract pieces.
I just get lost in all the patterns and intricate details.
I especially love the blue circular one and the one that looks like a fish.
The lines are well defined and it really gives the entire piece a clean look to it.
Very impressive.

Sarah F. Leith Bahn said...

But I think the red flowers is my favorite. I see more spirals!!!

Sarah F. Leith Bahn said...

In the first one - the little birdy is saying, "My mind is too full - come talk to me so I can empty my thoughts!"

Molly Petersen Nardone said...

That's exactly how the birdy feels Sarah. Stephen, thanks for your input! Thank you!!


Molly Petersen Nardone said...

Sarah, that's exactly how the bird feels.

And Stephen, thank you for your input! I'm So glad you enjoy them. Cheers! Molly

Molly Petersen Nardone said...

oops. Apparently I'm new to this blog thing.

Bob Wellman said...

Superb web site and blog, Molly. It is always good to keep up with your recent work--please continue to post them. Is it possible to have additional interactivity with site? I would like to be able to change the background to some of the stuff--sometimes perhaps a china white, even an ivory, and to experiment with it.

Thanks for keeping me on "your list."--Bob Wellman